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Passionate About Amplifying Others

I have had the wonderful opportunity to work on some truly inspiring projects while connecting with many influential and creative individuals along the way. I believe in the power of working together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Through this process, I have met some amazing people who have opened my mind and my world to the potential that is out there for us to fulfil.


As a non-profit consultant, I have worked with passionate, driven, and compassionate leaders who are devoting their time, energy, and skills to shaping a better world. My role is to help them maximize their impact by supporting them in whatever capacity they need. Organizational efficiency, fund development, volunteer engagement, and governance are all areas that can impact a charitable organization, and many need guidance and support. There are very few services available as many groups are working with limited resources, which serves to reinforce the urgency for their support. Currently, charities are expected to do more with less, but at the same time, one in four people will require assistance from a charitable or non-profit organization. That makes their work even more important, and it is essential that we help enable their efforts in all ways that we can. From this experience, I have learned several key lessons that are forming my current initiatives and have driven my desire to pursue a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies.


The first lesson is in nothing about us, without us.  As many of the organizations that I work with are working with or supporting vulnerable individuals in our community, I have learned that the work and mission must begin with the process of consultation. In order for this consultation to be effective and open, one must be aware of their biases and assumptions so that one can approach the process in a receptive manner. 


Secondly, I have learned that the more I learn, the more it teaches me how little I know. This has guided me to get curious rather than defensive, to ask instead of feeling I should know, and to go back to my childhood roots where learning was an adventure leading me in discovery.


My final motivator is that I believe we have a responsibility to leave this world better than we were gifted with our time here. We are but guests on this land for a short time and must be the guardians of all aspects. To do this well, we should live with respect, curiosity, and gratitude. Therefore, I strive to learn through my experiences and relationships and now more formally through the MAIS program.


I invite you along this journey and to join in the conversation as we get curious, challenge the status quo, and be willing to get messy in our thoughts and growth as we build a new framework of understanding through empathy, respect, and exploration.

Personal Qualifications

  •  A forward-thinking leader who fosters innovative solutions for the collaboration, development, and implementation of systemic change in the Canadian non-profit and charitable community.  

  • Brings a value-based approach to process management and supports effective and efficient program delivery.


  • Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (C)

  • B.A. in Psychology

  • CFRE - Certified Fund Raising Executive

  • Certified NCCP Master Coach Developer

  • Sport For Life Facilitator

Professional Skills

  • Project Management & Implementation

  • Board Governance & Process Management

  • Policy Development

  • Strategic Planning 

  • Bilingual - French & English

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